75% say they're Worse off or Divorced after Marriage Counseling
Did you know that over 75% of people that go to marriage counseling report that they're WORSE off or divorced less than a year later?Imagine spending all that time and money in marriage counseling trying to solve your problems and learning communication techniques only to find that nothing worked and that at best you're in the same place as when you started.
Now there's an ALTERNATIVE to marriage counseling—it's called Marriage Fitness, and it's a proven system for saving and restoring marriages.
Are you ready to get your marriage back on track?
Hi. I'm Mort Fertel,
founder of Marriage
Fitness. I
received your contact info and, as promised, I'll send you my free
marriage advice articles and 5 free marriage assessments. As I
mentioned, I think you'll find both helpful. But it's just a small
start. If you want to be sure you get the help you
need to
save and restore your marriage, you'll want to get the
Marriage Fitness Audio Learning System
The Marriage Fitness Audio Learning System is a ground-breaking step-by-step relationship-changing program that teaches you to neutralize your problems and implement a program of positive relationship habits that change the way you and your spouse relate. Those changes in turn “stop the bleeding” in your relationship and restore the connection you and your spouse once had. And the best news is—you don't have to talk about the past, hash out your problems, or practice communication strategies. This is not marriage counseling; it's Marriage Fitness.But before I get into the details, check here to make sure The Marriage Fitness Audio Learning System is right for YOU.
Marriage Fitness Audio Learning System is designed for marriages suffering from:
Broken trust
The threat of divorce
An obstinate spouse
Emotional Neglect
Money conflicts
Addictive Behaviors
Emotional infidelity
Poor Communication
No Sex
Lack of Appreciation
No Affection
(Please note: This program is NOT appropriate in cases of consistent physical abuse.)
Are any of these your problems?
If so, then The Marriage Fitness Audio Learning System can be a BREAKTHROUGH for your relationship. It doesn't matter if you've heard the words "I'm not in love with you anymore" or "I need space." If you want to re-connect with your spouse, I can show you how to do it. I'll walk you through every step of the process . . . and I guarantee (see below) you'll get there. How can I be sure? Because I've helped hundreds of men and women whose marriages were in serious trouble do what I call a "Marriage180." Here's just one of those stories:Hi Mort My wife and I have been married 3 years and it was hard from the start. We’ve both been divorced before so this was not our first time trying to make a marriage work. This time was not going well either. My wife had 2 affairs, she left 4 times, and marriage counseling was a disaster. We were on the brink of divorce again. Then I surfed the net and found you. I ordered the Marriage Fitness Audio Program...in a matter of weeks, you saved our marriage, and, more importantly, taught us how to build love on our own. If anyone is reading this who needs marriage help, get it from Mort. You won’t be sorry. Thank you again Mort for saving our marriage and teaching us how to create love in our relationship. Martin Rosedale, Indiana |
There are hundreds of stories like this on
from people in all sorts of situations,
but first there's one story in particular I'd like to share with
you...my story.
other relationship experts who approach this topic from a clinical
perspective, for me saving marriages is very personal.
My wife and I were deeply in love. I remember staying up all night talking, surprising each other with thoughtful gifts, and speaking to each other in code words. You know the feeling of really being connected? That was us.But then something happened that destroys most marriages. We had a son who died when he was just one week old. And then we had twin daughters, who also died as newborns.
Your situation probably was not so tragic, but something happened. What was it? How did you lose each other? Or maybe you can't put your finger on why things aren't the same anymore. That's common too.For us, after losing 3 children, everything felt different. Instead of talking all night, it was a chore to talk for a few minutes. Instead of using our code words, we used curse words. Our relationship consisted of screaming matches and silent treatments.Somewhere deep in our heart though, like you, we knew we didn't want to lose each other. So we made a commitment to work on our marriage. Sometimes I tried and my wife didn't. Sometimes my wife tried and I didn't. Sometimes we tried together. We went through different stages of "trying."
What did we try?
We tried the obligatory, "Honey, let me repeat what you said to make sure I understood you correctly." We applied conflict resolution strategies. My wife learned about Mars and I learned about Venus. We even went to counseling to wrestle with our problems. But guess what. Nothing changed. Nothing worked.Because all the advice we got (books, counselors...whatever) asked us to confront our problems. But that just made us feel worse. And fight more.As long as the "right" way wasn't working, why not be dysfunctional? So we tried to convince each other of our way. You tried that too, right? Obviously, that doesn't work.Finally, we had a breakthrough.We decided to SET ASIDE OUR PROBLEMS. We didn't talk about them at all. We didn't bring them up even once. Instead, we put our energy into trying to connect. We used certain relationship techniques that transformed our marriage. Not only did we resolve our differences; we fell in love again! And we did it not by dealing with our problems (as serious as they were), but by establishing new relationship habits that brought positive energy to our marriage..
is the solution to most marital situations—to "step away"
from your problems and spend your time and energy building your
relationship through positive actions.
If you do this
RIGHT, your problems will dissipate, the threat of divorce will go
away, and the other people invading your marriage will become
irrelevant. Slowly but surely you will come
closer together again.
Now you're probably wondering, “How do I
stay away from the very problems that plague me? What healthy habits
or relationship techniques can bring us closer together? And what if my
spouse doesn't
cooperate?” That's EXACTLY what I'll teach you. I'll answer those questions and more so you get the results you want. Let me be more specific. Here's what you'll learn in The Marriage Fitness Audio Learning System:
How to snap out of destructive patterns of behavior
How to stop dwelling on the past and start moving forward
How to get over old hurt
7 daily acts that will rebuild love in your marriage
5 weekly habits that will soften your marital environment
2 monthly acts that will restore romance between you
How to get your spouse to change
The 4 primary principles of LASTING love
How to become a team rather than 2 individuals
How to make decisions together
How to get YOUR needs met
How to connect with an emotionally absent spouse
How to keep the small things small
How to tickle your spouse’s soul
How to deal with a spouse who won’t listen
How to break the silence
What to do if you’re not spending enough time together
How to get and give the right affection
What to do if you find yourself attracted to another man/woman
What to do if your spouse has intimate internet friends
What to do if your spouse is friends with their X
How to restore honor to your marriage
How to talk so your spouse will listen
How to listen so your spouse will talk
How to bring your past to its knees
When NOT deciding is the best decision
How to replace efficiency with intimacy
would have been nice to know how to do all this years ago, right? Well,
it's NOT too late. In my experience, it's never too late. Cathy would
agree. Who's Cathy? Listen:
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